Social Media Optimization (SMO)
It is becoming increasingly clear that social media is impacting search results, especially as it relates to "real time" search. Is your social media content working for you or against you? IBS can help you implement strategies and tools to determine which content is working best on the various social networks and make sure your content is highly visible to the search engines and therefore, your potential customers.
Social Media Optimization (SMO) techniques include:
- Social Site Optimization
- Social Book marking
- Video Optimization
Just a cursory glance at search results will reveal numerous Twitter and Facebook posts. In the case of Twitter, the person or entity tweeting and/or following a tweet can pass that all important "content authority" to any pages or links being tweeted. Add to this the fact that any links in the posts appear to be "dofollow" links and it should be obvious that at least some attention must be paid to social media optimization, not to mention the millions of users that can be reached directly through social networks.
Some factors that may become more important in the future include:
- Follower count
- Use of account name
- Account age
- Account theme
- Diversity
- Timing
- Surrounding content
- Quantity of friends/followers
- "Importance" of friends/followers
However, just as in regular search, things like large link spikes or unusual link profiles will be noticed and devalued or possibly de-ndexed. Therefore, any social campaign must be either completely organic or handled professionaly and correctly.
Contact IBS today to request a comprehensive social media campaign for your business.